SAMELIA’s WORLD Yours truly must vent! Especially with COVID19/ Coronavirus here and it seems, it is staying… Cleanliness as a makeup artist is MANDATORY!!! We must constantly sanitize our products and hands to avoid “Operation Damage”, which is: blemishes, breakouts, and destruction of the skin… Your truly was just doing my amazing hobby… When model walked in, had not even sat in the chair, nor seen what I was doing and questioned, “Are your brushes clean”? Ahh! How insulting is that!?! Okay, Makeup Artists… What are we doing wrong? Well, let me tell you this… We as artists get so wrapped up in wanting to get be efficient, keep up with the pace of a show, that sometimes makeup artist do not pay attention to the fact that people around us are watching our every move. It is funny, some watch your demeanor, shoes on your feet, if you are…
Samelia’s World yours truly would like to congratulate the Kansas City Chief’s winning the Super Bowl this weekend. Such a great game. An the half time performance by Shakira and JLO was amazing! Yours truly loved the Miami festive colors, dancing and entertainment by the two talented artist. I have to say I was curious to see if Shakira could still move those hips… HA!
SAMELIA’s WORLDIt is the last two days of the year! An what better way to end it, than with your close friends and family on New Years Eve..? The holidays are yours truly’s favorite. An I was looking back at this time a year ago thinking, how blessed I am to have some wonderful people in my life! Also, looking at the strides made within the year that have been amazing!This kids keeps growing everyday like a weed. An I cannot be thankful enough that God has blessed me with an awesome son. Now a teenager and soon he will be a young man… I had to share his latest haircut with you all as it was a big deal in our house. SMH… 2020 is coming ladies and gentlemen, so make sure you are ready. As I can not wait to continue sharing with you all SAMELA’s WORLD.
SAMELIA’s WORLD It is no secret the holiday’s season is here. Yours truly is excited! Time for Christmas list, holiday parties, holiday makeup (for me), friends and family. It is also one of the most traveled times of the year. An with all that is going on this country… Yours truly would like to encourage all of you to be cautious and be happy if the airports security “is” invasive. Yes, I said “happy if the airports security is invasive”! As it only means TSA security is doing their job! I mean think about how many times you have probably complained they have not do their job… So, yours truly first suggestion is if you and your loved ones are flying try to arrive to the airport much earlier than you usually would. As the airlines are notorious for long line at security as well as check-in may be a…
Happy Monday, SAMELIA’s WORLD! Yours truly hopes all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving..? Leave your comments below if you want to share. My son and I had an eventful time visiting family and friends. There were so many things going on, I shared on my SAMELIA’s WORLD youtube channel for you. For us it was about having peaceful time to rest as well as catch up on sleep! Atlin is going so hard at his tennis and actually had the chance to attend a NIKE event where he got to meet one of his favorite players Chris Bosh. You should have seen him he was so excited. An he received several gifts from NIKE. Take a look…
SAMELIA’s WORLD, Hopefully you all had a wonderful weekend. Yours truly would like to congratulate Odell Haggins on another Florida State football win. He is the interim head coach at this time and when I was in school there, he is a former player and was an assistant at that time. An yours truly must tell you that if anyone can lead the Seminoles of Florida State it is definitely this guy! YAHoo!!! Stay Tuned. For those of you new to SAMELIA’s WORLD or are unaware yours truly is an alumni of FSU. Anyway, on to the blog… Let me tell you yours truly likes to eat. If I can help some of you out there to get in “Hot MAMA” shape… Let’s go! That’s right SAMELIA’s WORLD if you missed last weeks post yours truly is one week in! After eating Atlin’s SUPER yummy food from his birthday and…
HAPPY MONDAY! It’s almost here SAMELIA’s WORLD! THE MOST, WONDERFUL TIME…OF THE YEAR! A time to “GIVE”… And say, “THANKS”! “NOVEMBER” AND THE HOLIDAYS! It is interesting how November truly looks more like “Autumn,” which most of us call Fall. It is definitely a transition with the temperature cooling down, the leaves shedding etc. It’s so beautiful! Ok… It is also time yours truly has decided that it is time to prepare for the next big gathering of family and friends…“THANKSGIVING”! That’s right SAMELIA’s WORLD! After eating Atlin SUPER yummy food from his birthday and munching on his Halloween candy (funny how that happens!), it is TIME to get back in shape! Hot “MAMA”shape that is… LOL! Now, everybody has their ideal weight, size, etc., and before I was just focused on losing a few of the pounds I had picked up. But this time, it’s more than a few as the…
Hello November! Its been way too long SAMELIA’s WORLD… Yours truly is back to blogging original post here every Monday. Most of you probably are wondering… “SAMELIA’s WORLD is back, where did you go?” For those of you who were unaware or new to my website… SAMELIA’s WORLD “BLOG” site has been down since January 2018 (almost two years). This was in order for yours truly to continue growing, as well as focus on some personal goals I wanted to achieve. Ultimately, forcing me to take a step back from blogging on this website. An if yours truly can give any of you advice on juggling it all… It takes constant scheduling and planning to succeed at accomplishing several goals at a time. Now, those of you keeping up… Who have been waiting patiently, and continuously asking yours truly on a pretty consistent basis “Are you ok, what’s going on…
MAKEUP… AND FOOTBALL? OH, YES! Okay, makeup, fashion and beauty fans, you’re probably thinking, “Oh man, it’s that time of year again,” while football fans – especially college football fans – are thinking, “Thank God football season is BACK!” Now, you are probably wondering why I, makeup artist SAMELIA, am writing about college football? What’s the connection? Well, it is because yours truly wants to inform everyone that there is more makeup preparation then you can even imagine when it comes to football! Really? Oh yes! From the Marching bands playing their music, players practicing intensely for weeks prior to the season opening game, cheerleaders cheering, and fans figuring out how they can show the most spirit possible, college football is a full-fledged PRODUCTION on game day! All of which is on display on game day, with fans and cheerleaders – even players – making up their faces (and bodies in some…
AHHH! The beauty of Halloween… SAMELIA’s WORLD, Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year. BOO! LOL Doesn’t yours truly look sexy in the FX makeup..? So much fun with this one! An yeah, it’s me with the prosthetics on my lovely. I’m sure some of you are probably wondering, “Samelia! Where are you going with THIS one!?!” Well, despite everyone thinking of the skeleton, ghosts, goblins, witches, and other scary characters that tend to dominate Halloween night… For yours truly, it is a day of watching people make nothing short of incredible attempts to be the most creative in the City of Angels — and I’m not just talking about costumes! SAMELIA’S WORLD people go overboard with their Halloween presentation on their homes and cars. The excess in decorating extends beyond the traditional here though, as people often use this occasion to experiment with fake tattoos, body art, fake…
SAMELIA’s WORLD! Yours truly here and I want to start off by wishing everyone a “Happy New Year!” I hope that everyone has had a wonderful holiday season and brought the New Year in with a bang! Can’t wait to catch up and hear all your stories. As usual, the New Year brings those always-ambitious New Year resolutions (sigh). A fresh start, making more money, saving more, and losing weight are some common resolutions I often come across. Well let me just say that after eating that SUPER yummy Christmas dinner at my moms AND the leftovers (funny how the leftovers seem to get better day by day) shedding some of the extra pounds are definitely on my resolution list. Do not hesitate to check out my youtube channel those of you looking for some fitness motivation this New Year. As I am constantly maintaining the body. Interesting enough though, perfecting…
SAMELIA’s WORLD, For those of you who have been following my lovely world, you know what today is… UGLY CHRISTMAS SWEATER GIVEAWAY DAY!!! If you are joining my world for the first time, last Monday yours truly decided to do a giveaway. Of course what was once thought of as extremely tacky … The “Ugly” sweater is one of the biggest holiday party craze! Today, yours truly would like to announce that “Ebony Aaron” is the winner of the lovely “UGLY” sweater giveaway! Congratulations to Ebony!
HeLLo my lovely world… _SAMELIA here! SAMELIA’s WORLD is back and yours truly is super excited! Most of you probably are wondering… “SAMELIA’s WORLD is back, where did you go?” For those of you who were unaware or new to my website… SAMELIA’s WORLD “BLOG” site has been down since last January (almost a year). This was in order for yours truly to continue growing, as well as focus on some personal goals I wanted to achieve… Ultimately, forcing me to take a step back from blogging on this website. An if I can give any of you advice on juggling it all… It takes constant scheduling and planning to succeed at accomplishing several goals at a time. It really takes focus! Now, those of you keeping up… Who have been waiting patiently, and continuously asking yours truly on a pretty consistent basis “Are you ok, what’s going on…
Happy Monday SAMELIA’s WORLD! It is time to giveaway one of winter’s worst fashion favorites of the season… That’s right, yours truly said it! The Ugly Christmas Sweater!!! HA! Interesting enough, it’s actually hard-to-find the authentic 80’s sweaters. That can actually be a bit pricey nowadays. That’s right… Once thought of as is extremely tacky… Now, one of the biggest holidays party craze! From people having do-it-yourself parties, stores completely selling out the minute the ugly things enter the store, to celebrities and fashion designers creating lines of them. Even having me write about them… As you know I am into “BEAUTY” LOL! “Congrats,” Ugly Christmas Sweaters you have definitely made a huge comeback! An “SAMELIA’s WORLD” has an Ugly Christmas Sweater for one of my world followers! All you have to do to win this Ugly Christmas Sweater is: Fill in your information in the section that says “Join…
SAMELIA’s WORLD, This weekend in SAMELIA’s WORLD was eventful! First, as you all now yours truly is a walking dead follower… I must say, yesterday’s walking dead was action packed again. An had me at the edge of my seat! Looking forward to next week! What about you all? On the family side of things, yours truly had a chance to spend time with my son Atlin and one of our family friend’s. At Torrei and Kevin Hart’s son birthday party. As you all know Atlin and his friends like the rest of today’s world love gaming. So our weekend started with us jumping around on bouncers, cotton candy, lots of fun and games at my son’s school festival. In the same day the games did not end there, as we attended Torrei, Kevin and Hendrix’s at “Play it Loud” in Woodland Hills. Such an awesome place for everyone…
SAMELIA’s WORLD… Not only is May time to prepare my body before summer gatherings, events with family and friends etc… It is also about transitioning our beauty products for the summer season. As the weather temperatures started to rise and the rain begins. Yours truly loves in the summer to keep things sexy simple, with a little glow! Starting with the Ardell Natural 120 DEMI lashes, by themselves with a neutral eye shadow or pressed powder is sometimes all a girl needs to complete her look. 120 DEMI lashes are approximately $4 to $5 at any beauty supply… Giving you all the high-end glamorous look without expensive price! Bobbi Brown’s Long-Wear Gel Eyeliner is water proof, working amazing in rain and humidity. This seasons transition it’s essential, because the weather is constantly changing each day. This liner is a little pricey but worth it! You can found it in Sephora,…
GOODMORNING SAMELIA’s WORLD! Now, about to this workout thing… HA! Some people think that just because you’re working out, it is your opportunity to “look crazy” while you’re in the quest to put it all back together. Hmmm… (as my first finger goes up and wags the disapproving “no-no,” my lips twist to the side and head is down and shaking side to side). Umm, that would be “NO!” LADIES, DON’T DO IT! Why? First of all, you are already faced with the problem of having to get started… With the disappointing thought you gotta lose weight, so do not compound it with not liking how you look while you are doing it.
SAMELIA’s WORLD! Yours truly had to share this with you… Today I have something on the menu you should try! Yours truly had to make this smoothie recipe again by my good friend Danyelle from her Not Skinny Not Rich blog. Such an amazing way to start my day! Don’t be disgusted of because of the pastel green color. As it is soo yummy! Have a look at the ingredients. It has everything you need to start the day! Key Ingredients You Will Need: 6 apples slices ½ banana ½ cup unsweetened Almond Milk 5 nuts (cashews, almonds, or walnuts work best) ¼ tsb cinnamon 1cup kale 6 oz plain nonfat greek yogurt ½ cup crushed ice Once you have all the ingredients… Place them in a blender, nutribullet, or whatever you like to make your smoothies in. Blend to consistency desired then serve! My son Atlin loves this smoothie,…
BIRTHDAY TIME! Well, well, WELL! It is that time of year again and the culmination of ALL of my party planning efforts for my son, Atlin’s, birthday party proved to be a HUGE success in the past! Yours truly could not be happier then to see him grow to the young man he is becoming. I feel like it was just yesterday we were celebrating his 7th birthday. HA! Reliving this… Look, having a birthday party is a full scale production, people, and when it is your son’s birthday party? Forget about it! We are going IN! But before the festivities began, the drama of course had to unfurl as we worked hard to get ready for Tot Fest! I’m remembering on this Monday… First, the guest bathroom TOILET completely broke down the night before. Then, at 6:45am the morning of the party, I awoke not to the sound of my super…
SAMELIA’s WORLD this years Golden Globes were great! Yours truly would like to start off by congratulating Tracee Ellis Ross, who won best actress in a television series, musical or comedy for her role in “black-ish” last night! I am completely loving that she dedicated her Golden Globe to ‘women of colour and colourful people’. Which leads me to my next thoughts… Of how beautiful Tracee looked with her classic Hollywood glamour, simple with red lipstick. Effortless beauty! Another red carpet beauty who look superb, the sweet Karrueche Tran. Yours truly had the chance to do my favorite hobbie with this week!! The new year has started off so amazing… Everyone my little bundle of joy, “Atlin” heads back to school today. Wish him well!