It’s almost here SAMELIA’s WORLD! THE MOST, WONDERFUL TIME…OF THE YEAR! A time to “GIVE”… And say, “THANKS”!
It is interesting how November truly looks more like “Autumn,” which most of us call Fall. It is definitely a transition with the temperature cooling down, the leaves shedding etc. It’s so beautiful!
Ok… It is also time yours truly has decided that it is time to prepare for the next big gathering of family and friends…“THANKSGIVING”!
That’s right SAMELIA’s WORLD! After eating Atlin SUPER yummy food from his birthday and munching on his Halloween candy (funny how that happens!), it is TIME to get back in shape!
Hot “MAMA”shape that is… LOL!
Now, everybody has their ideal weight, size, etc., and before I was just focused on losing a few of the pounds I had picked up. But this time, it’s more than a few as the buttons on my jeans no longer seem to want to get along with the button holes they are supposed to go in!
Don’t get it twisted, I have to work just as hard as the next person to keep it tight and in SAMELIA’s WORLD we go all out when it comes to shedding extra pounds!
UGH! You all KNOW what I’m talking about when this happens! An if you do not you might want to check out some of my YouTube workout videos.
So, here we go!
The goal? Getting into my favorite sexy jeans!
Now this isn’t going to be one of those week-long, quick fix, crash diets. We’re talking 10-17 days before Thanksgiving. An I am going through the temptation of having GOOD food in front of me, but not necessarily the best for me at this time. As for the beverage choices? Yes, these may enhance the fun at a great party, but if I’m trying to get into top “HOT MAMA” shape, then I don’t need the belly right now (HA)!
Anyway, if you were thinking about going on a diet or want to join me on this lovely journey to get sexy, comment or email me your experience. Come on into SAMELIA’S WORLD and let’s share the experience TOGETHER!
You may watch my Instagram stories for support and if you need workout tips click the highlighted links to my youtube. An there are workout videos that may help some of you.
Believe me when I get back in these… I’m going to be strutting my stuff! HA!
Can’t WAIT to get my gear!
And. I. Am. OFF!!!
Top: GAP Modal Camisole
Pants: American Apparel Easy Jean
Shoes: Jessica Simpson
Sunglasses: Men’s Gucci Aviators