FSU vs Miami: Beauty of the Rivalry

FSU vs Miami: Beauty of the Rivalry



Okay, makeup, fashion and beauty fans, you’re probably thinking, “Oh man, it’s that time of year again,” while football fans – especially college football fans – are thinking, “Thank God football season is BACK!”

Now, you are probably wondering why I, makeup artist SAMELIA, am writing about college football?

What’s the connection?

Well, it is because yours truly wants to inform everyone that there is more makeup preparation then you can even imagine when it comes to football!

Really? Oh yes!

From the Marching bands playing their music, players practicing intensely for weeks prior to the season opening game, cheerleaders cheering, and fans figuring out how they can show the most spirit possible, college football is a full-fledged PRODUCTION on game day! All of which is on display on game day, with fans and cheerleaders – even players – making up their faces (and bodies in some instances) through tattooing, body painting, character and beauty makeup faces. It does not matter if you’re male or female, on the big day, people come together in spirit, love for their team, and it’s all expressed through makeup! 

Seminoles take a look these two super serious fans, who have definitely taken the makeup to the extreme!

Samelia, samelia miller, Samelia's world, Samelia's World blog, Samelia makeup artists, samelia rouge artists, rouge artists, samelia  celebrity makeup artists, makeup artists, Celebrity Makeup Artists, Mua, Samelia  florida state university, Samelia FSU, FSU vs Miami, Florida State University, FSU, FSU vs MIAMI, Tallahassee Florida, Makeup, Samelia Beauty, Samelia Beauty blogger, Samelia  Terrell Owens,  If you would like to see makeup, possibly feel how intense and passionate the fans are at these events… Tune into one of the Florida State University games. Saturday’s game was so intense yours truly had to leave my house to concentrate. An for those of you who have never watched or do not follow football, it will be time well spent! As well as, broaden your thoughts surrounding how makeup and football collide!!!


The Seminoles game yesterday was pretty upsetting. If you are unaware we lost to the University of Miami 27 to 10 in Tallahassee. Your truly is an Alumni of Florida State University, and it was hard to watch that lost… We will see them again! 🙂




