SAMELIA’s WORLDIt is the last two days of the year! An what better way to end it, than with your close friends and family on New Years Eve..? The holidays are yours truly’s favorite. An I was looking back at this time a year ago thinking, how blessed I am to have some wonderful people in my life! Also, looking at the strides made within the year that have been amazing!This kids keeps growing everyday like a weed. An I cannot be thankful enough that God has blessed me with an awesome son. Now a teenager and soon he will be a young man… I had to share his latest haircut with you all as it was a big deal in our house. SMH…
2020 is coming ladies and gentlemen, so make sure you are ready. As I can not wait to continue sharing with you all SAMELA’s WORLD. Any of you have changing up your look for the NEW YEAR? Leave me a comment below. Today I will me heading in for a new haircut myself. Thinking about doing a short “BOB”.. Wish me luck! If you want to see my new hairstyle stay tuned tomorrow for my New Years Eve youtube post.
On the other hand, yours truly is looking forward to bring in the New Year with a bang! Happy Monday SAMELIA’s WORLD and I can’t wait to share with you as usual this year.